Types of General Assignment Classrooms

These rooms feature furniture placed in rows/columns facing the instructor and main teaching display. These spaces can have movable furniture or fixed furniture. These spaces feature a level floor. These spaces will feature a lectern or credenza with fully embedded BYOD technology. For more details on the technology, visit the Classroom Catalog.

These spaces have sloped floors with some form of fixed furniture facing the main teaching display in the front of the room. Writing surfaces could be in the form of tables, tablet arms or lap boards. Seating could be fixed in place or maneuverable. These spaces typically have larger seating capacities than standard lecture style spaces. These spaces will feature a lectern with fully embedded BYOD technology. For more details on the technology, visit the Classroom Catalog.

These rooms feature flexible seating where the tables and chairs can be setup in a pod format for student discussions and group work. These rooms may be laid out in a pod format or lecture style to begin with, can be moved into any desired layout, but need to be returned to their predetermined layout at the end of class. These rooms are in high demand, so please keep that in mind when requesting spaces. These spaces will feature a lectern or credenza with fully embedded BYOD technology. For more details on the technology, visit the Classroom Catalog.

These rooms feature student seating in grouped format, typically with fixed tables. The main difference of these spaces lies in the technology. These rooms offer displays that student groups can connect their devices to in order to create a more collaborative environment. These spaces also feature an "any source to any destination" approach so that instructors can show multiple sources at one time, including sources directly from the students. These spaces will feature a lectern with fully embedded BYOD technology. For more details on the technology, visit the Classroom Catalog.

These spaces feature fixed furniture in a traditional lecture format or socratic format. These are what we would traditionally consider "distance learning" classroom spaces where the instructor can teach in-person to students in the room/online or teach remotely from another location to students in the room/online. To create such an environment, the room features a built-in web conferencing solution (currently Zoom) where meetings can be scheduled ahead of time so that the technology can automatically turn on without the need of faculty interaction. These spaces will feature a lectern with fully embedded BYOD technology. For more details on the technology, visit the Classroom Catalog. Please note, these rooms require additional scheduling and training. Placement in these rooms follows the following priorities:
- Site-to-Site
- The classroom is scheduled to turn on, start a meeting, and connect to another classroom directly to support instruction for students physically in each location
- Virtual-to-Site
- The classroom is scheduled to turn on and start a meeting to support students physical in the space
- The instructor joins from a non-classroom location to provide instruction
"Enhanced BYOD Functionality" is what we are calling our rooms that are outfitted with camera and microphone technology made available to end users via a USB-A cable at the lectern location near the standard HDMI cable. By plugging in the USB-A cable to your laptop or adapter, you gain access to the camera and microphone peripherals to use in your web conference or lecture capture software ran off your laptop. A laptop is required for these features to function.
Should the instructor be remote (not physically in the space), someone from the associated department will need to provide a laptop for connectivity.
This functionality can be found in any of the classrooms mentioned above and is a feature we’ve been working to implement across all the spaces we support. It is important to consult the Classroom Catalog to see if this feature is available in a given room. As we progress, our drive is to have all of the general assignment classrooms outfitted with this functionality to provide all faculty the opportunity to hold hybrid meetings, host remote lecturers, and record their lectures using their personal device (laptop) with ease from any room.
Contact Us
(540) 231‑5684 (Blacksburg)
(703) 538-8487 (Northern VA)
(540) 231‑4203 (Fax)
Classroom AV Services (0307)
Saunders Hall, Room 204
490 West Campus Drive
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Office Hours
Mon - Fri 8am - 5pm